What the papers have been saying in the week to Easter 2020 The UK and the rest of the world continue to be transfixed by the Covid-19 crisis which is causing suffering and deaths – cutting short … [Read more...]
Visiting Care Homes and Covid-19
Marion Shoard, a member of the Christians on Ageing committee, has prepared some guidance notes on the difficulties faced by relatives and friends of those who live in residential care homes, and … [Read more...]
No news, but all the news
What the papers have been saying in the week ending April 4th We are well and truly in lockdown. Very little finds space in the news or newspapers which is not related to Covid-19: its spread, … [Read more...]
The virus, the Churches and other faith communities
A ready source of help and support Marion Shoard, a member of the committee at Christians on Ageing, and a noted writer on issues of interest to older people, has a letter in The Guardian today … [Read more...]
Death, discrimination and deprivation
Noticed in the newspapers: week ending 11.1.2020 Letters: Bags of Life (and more) Frank Cartwright tells of the response from a till girl when he asked if a bag was guaranteed to outlast him: … [Read more...]
Care in an ageing society
Caritas Social Action Network - representing all dioceses in England & Wales - has produced a Report and Resource for Parishes on the way in which the Catholic Church, and others, can and should … [Read more...]
Radio Sheffield asks Questions
On Sunday 22 September 2019, a couple of days before our Conference, we were fortunate to get a slot on Radio Sheffield's Sunday morning programme. David Jolley, vice-Chair and one of the speakers at … [Read more...]