Every couple of months we send a Newsletter about our work to around 600 subscribers. It is free. If you would like to sign-up use the contact form on the Home page or send a request to newsletter@christiansonageing.org.uk
Our Lent 2023 News
Here is our latest Newsletter: Spring 2023 Newsletter (mailchi.mp)
It gives details about our forthcoming Conference Calls and invites you to take part in one or more of these lively discussions. There’s also information about the special Guest Speaker at our Annual General Meeting on 26 April 2023 – Debbie Thrower, from Anna Chaplaincy. Plus news of what other organisations are doing – including a poetry competition.
We hope you enjoy the latest issue. If you do let us know: newsletter@christiansonageing.org.uk
the e-mail address for registering an interest in Conference Calls is:
Read the previous Newsletter