Accompanying age: what are the churches doing?
30 April 2025, 10.30am-4pm
Join us in person at Bar Convent, York
Free event (donation for refreshments)
As well as the necessary business of an AGM we will be focusing on one of CoA’s core objectives – celebrating the gifts and potential of later life – and helping churches and others to develop activities which contribute to facilitating older people’s spiritual growth.
Our keynote speaker will be Revd Dr Chris Swift, recently appointed as Director of the Leeds Church Institute, and previously Director of Chaplaincy and Spirituality at Methodist Homes (MHA). After lunch, we will look at three examples of good practice in church activities that can ‘accompany ageing’:
*Helen McCormack, Pastoral & Development Worker for Older People North Yorkshire URC, on The Gift of Time.
*Dr Joanna Walker, CoA Trustee and previously researcher on older people’s spiritual development on Accompanying the later life transition of retirement. *Dr Katherine Froggatt, Anna Chaplaincy Coordinator Diocese of Blackburn on Anna Chaplaincy: Embedding Spiritual Care in your Community.
CoA members, and anyone interested in later life and older people ministry, are invited to join us.
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