Spirituality, for a Christian, is that part of our daily experience which allows us to reflect on everything in our lives, to seek sense in our relationships and our reactions, and to enable God to be involved in and to influence that reflection. Part of this reflection is prayer, time that we actively give to seeking the presence of God, either together with others and in a formal way, or on our own, wherever and whenever we manage to find space and time.
- Prayer during the night. Many people find it difficult to sleep through the night. Sometimes, this is the result of prolonged and painful medical conditions. This meditation if offered as a way of understanding the potential of prayer in the night.
- Love is the Dream Extra is additional material to our publication ‘Love is the Dream: Christian Spirituality & Ageing’ by Sr Joan Kerley, FMSJ, one of our booklets supporting the spiritual needs of older people.
- Reflections and prayers from plus
- A New Year’s Blessing
We hope you find these prayers and reflections helpful. Let us know about others you like.
May the Peace of the Lord go with you
wherever He may send you.
May He guide you through the wilderness,
protect you through the storm. May He
bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He
has shown.
(Traditional Celtic Blessing)