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You can become a member online by adding a membership from the options below and purchasing from the site along with any publications of interest. When you checkout you will then be transferred to a secure site to complete your application. You will be notified by e-mail or post when your subscription is due for renewal.
Gift Aid is a way of increasing the value of your donation. If you are a UK tax-payer Christians on Ageing can claim back tax on your subscriptions and donations provided that your current annual tax bill is more than the tax reclaimed. The amount of tax reclaimed can vary but for many people will give an extra 25% to the charity. You will be invited to consider Gift Aid when completing a subscription form or making a payment.
You can choose to receive plus by post or via email as a pdf. If you choose to receive plus via email it means that we don't have to print and post the magazine and so your membership fee can be invested in other areas of our work.
In line with the new data protection regulations, we have to inform you that all the details below will be held by the Membership Secretary unless you close your membership, which you can do at any time. We may use any of the information you have given to us to communicate with you by e-mail or by post. We will not share any of your personal information with any other organisation.
Please note It is more convenient for you and for Christians on Ageing if you join and pay for membership online. However, if you do not wish to use the internet for payment or would like to pay by standing order then please download this form and return it to The Honorary Secretary at:
Christians on Ageing, The Depozitory, 23 Nelson Street, Ryde PO33 2EZ
or by e-mail: secretary@christiansonageing.org.uk
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Join/Renew membership
£18.00Membership includes our free magazine – Plus (sent out every three months).
If you select to receive Plus by email, it means we don’t have to print and post the magazine, so your membership fee can be invested in other areas of our work.If you are willing to Gift Aid your subscription, please select in the box.
Join Dementia Network – FREE
£0.00Receive our twice-yearly Dementia Newsletter via email.
Join Ageing Issues Study Network – FREE
£0.00The Ageing Issues Study Network is an informal ‘virtual’ gathering of people from a wide variety of backgrounds and interests, including practitioners in caring services, students and teachers in the academic world, pastors, carers and people generally wanting to contribute to an exploration of important issues in the lives of older Christians.
Extra copies of plus
£7.00Request additional copies of plus per year with your membership at £7 per copy per annum. Please let us know how many extra copies you need.