Culture Club
Christians on Ageing’s Culture Club provides light relief from our core activities. It provides a … Continue Reading
What contributions do older people make to society?The Centre for Ageing Better releases its latest … Continue Reading
Speaking Out
There are some things which just have to be said. We have to speak out because at the heart of the … Continue Reading
Dementia Network
Our Dementia Network brings together a wide range of those who support people with dementia or who … Continue Reading
Our magazine
Every three months, the members of Christians on Ageing receive a free copy of the organisation’s … Continue Reading
Christians on Ageing publishes short, accessible, low cost booklets and related material. All our … Continue Reading
About us
Christians on Ageing is a Christian voice for older people We work for a society in which older … Continue Reading
Welcome to the website of Christians on Ageing
The story of older people is the story of their unique life journey. They have lived through war and peace, have known hope and failure, and have found, and sometimes lost, friendship and love. For many, their Christian faith has been the context within which they have lived and in which they will die. They have handed on the gospel message to the next generation but are also living it day by day. Their story is not just about the past; they are part, in the here and now, of the Churches’ proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are a valued and precious resource. They want to give as well as receive. Christians on Ageing is one of their voices.