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Showing all 32 results
*NEW* Dying & Death
£5.00In this new revised edition of a previous publication, Gerry Burke, former Chair and Executive Committee member of Christians on Ageing explores ways in which the Christian understanding of dying and death is expressed and practised in today’s society. (A5 booklet) -
*NEW* Dying & Death [e version]
£2.00In this new revised edition of a previous publication, Gerry Burke, former Chair and Executive Committee member of Christians on Ageing explores ways in which the Christian understanding of dying and death is expressed and practised in today’s society. -
Faith in the Third Age (e-version)
£1.50Based on a Christians on Ageing (Christian Council on Ageing) research study, Dr Lowis, a chartered psychologist, has covered the subject of that work: how people acquire a religious faith and what it means to them. He has also continued into a personal exploration of the experiences of the participants and into the nature, origin and effect of religious faith. (A5 booklet 31pp)
Making a Start: developing pastoral care for older people (e-version)
£1.50The ‘raison d’etre’ for this booklet was to answer the question of how to start a pastoral development project, a question put by many delegates stimulated by a paper given at Christians on Ageing’s 2019 conference. The booklet does this by looking at how five other organisations have tackled the situation. We hope that you will find their experiences and advice helpful.
Faith in the third age – Dr. Michael J Lowis
£2.50Based on a Christian Council on Ageing research study, Dr Lowis, a chartered psychologist, has covered the subject of that work, how people acquire a religious faith and what it means to them, but has also continued into a personal exploration of the experiences of the participants and into the nature, origin and effect of religious faith. (A5 booklet 31pp)
Growing dementia-friendly churches – Gaynor Hammond
With experience as both a Dementia Project worker and a Baptist minister in pastoral charge, Gaynor Hammond is eminently qualified to write about this subject. It is easy to read and full of practical ideas. A must for every church wanting to work their way towards being dementia-friendly. (A4 landscape booklet, 48pp)
A joint publication with FIEP and MHA
I call you friends – Sister Joan Kerley
£2.50Another excellent booklet for bible study from the pen of Sister Joan. Reflections from the point of view of the participants and of Jesus gives another angle to answering the questions given for reflection. (A5 booklet 32 pp)
I call you friends (e)
£1.30Digital copy
I’d like you to know… – Sue Kennedy and Rodney Searle
£2.00This booklet has been produced by Christians on Ageing as an aide-memoire for anyone who wishes to make life a little bit easier for those who may have to make decisions on their behalf in the future. This may be at a time of ill-health or ultimately after death which are not events anyone particularly wishes to contemplate but, if one can, this booklet will be a guide to the really valuable decisions to take. (A5 booklet 20pp)
I’d like you to know (e)
£1.00Digital copy
Jubilee milestones 1982 – 2007 – Mannes Tidmarsh, Paula Francomb and Jo Kennedy
£3.00Published to mark the 25th anniversary in 2007 of the Christian Council on Ageing (now Christians on Ageing), this publication looks back over the years since its inception and forward to its work in the 21st century. A useful source for anyone considering setting up a similar organisation elsewhere. (A5 booklet, 34pp)
Light comes with dawn: reflections on life’s journey – Sister Joan Kerley
£3.00This is a booklet made up of reflections on well-known stories from the Bible but seen from the perspective of one of the participants. The questions attached to each reflection makes the book particularly suitable for both individuals and groups. (A5 booklet 36pp)
Light comes with dawn (e)
£1.50Digital copy
Light of faith (e)
£1.00Digital copy
Light of faith: reflections on growing old – Bishop George Appleton
£2.00The author begins by wishing that Jesus had lived to old age for the insights that he would have brought to us on how to cope with the problems it brings and ends by assuring us of the enduring support of God. An endearing and helpful booklet (A5 booklet 15pp)
Love is the dream: Christian spirituality and ageing – Sister Joan Kerley
£2.50Sister Joan Kerley, an American who is on the Leadership team of her Congregation, the Franciscan Missionaries of St Joseph, has every qualification needed to write a booklet on this subject. Her writing challenges society’s perception of ‘older people’ and looks at their spiritual needs. (A5 booklet, 28pp)
Love is the dream (e)
£1.30Digital copy
Making a start: developing pastoral care for older people
£2.50The ‘raison d’etre’ for this booklet was to answer the question of how to start a pastoral development project, a question put by many delegates stimulated by a paper given at Christians on Ageing’s 2019 conference. The booklet does this by looking at how five other organisations have tackled the situation. We hope that you will find their experiences and advice helpful.
Reflections during a pandemic: Covid-19 in 2020
£2.50It is not normal practice for Christians on Ageing to reprint general articles from their members’ magazine, plus, but these are unusual times and it was felt that the articles might be of general interest. The articles cover a general oversight of the pandemic, three articles about care homes and one concerned about the future. The care homes items cover what happened in MHA homes, what churches can do to help and how we can make amends for the mistakes made. While particularly relevant in 2020 the lessons learned are still important today (A5, 28pp)
Reflections during a pandemic (e)
£1.30Digital copy
Seeking a peaceful heart: Gerry Burke and Sister Maureen Murphy, FMSJ
£2.50This booklet was produced as part of Christians on Ageing work with prisons. It was distributed to all prisons in England, Scotland and Wales to be used mainly by older prisoners. However, it was decided that it may also be of value to others who may feel guilt or who are imprisoned in a different way. It includes readings, prayers and reflections to help the reader move on. (A5, 33pp)
Seeking a peaceful heart (e)
£1.30Digital copy
Staying alive. Resuscitation: who decides? – Sister Maureen Murphy
£2.00“Do you wish to be resuscitated?” Do we know what that means and fully understand the implications of our reply. This booklet aims to present a non-contentious, easily accessible guide to the facts so that, should the need arise, any patient can make an informed decision. (A5 booklet 20pp)
Staying alive Resuscitation: who decides? e copy
£1.00digital copy
The Spirituality of Ageing – Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh
£2.00One of Christians on Ageing’s best-selling publications, this booklet has recently been translated in Russian for distribution by the Metroplitan Anthony of Sourozh Trust. Russian Orthodox Anthony of Sourozh was a master of the spiritual life whose writings are accessible to all. Writing out of deep pastoral experience he is excellent on coming to terms with the past, with the need to ‘be’ rather than ‘do’, and with the inevitability of death. (A5 booklet, 14pp)
Thoughts for meditation and worship ~ six (e)
£1.80 -
Through another’s eyes: a chance to reflect Ann Bowes, Sue Kennedy, John Lansley
£2.50Supplied originally for the centre pages of plus Christians on Ageing’s quarterly members’ magazine, these articles were written as an aid to seeing major events in the life of Christ as if seen by another of those present – a different perspective on an event very well know to everyone. They can be used on a personal level or in a group. (A5, 31pp)
Through another’s eyes: a chance to reflect (e)
£1.30Digital copy
With grateful hearts – Sister Maureen Murphy
£2.50This is a very readable and practical booklet about gratitude from the pen of Sister Maureen Murphy. Sister Maureen leads the Franciscan Missionaries of St Joseph, a Roman Catholic congregation of women with a world-wide remit to serve the poor and disadvantaged. She takes the reader through thoughts on the nature of gratitude which leads naturally into ways in which the reader may enumerate all that for which they need to give thanks. (A5 booklet 24pp)
With grateful hearts (e)
£1.30Digital copy
Worship in Residential Care
£2.50Christians in residential care can often feel isolated from church life. Others too need to hear God’s word. Before venturing into conducting worship services in care homes anyone would find the insight and wisdom of this booklet really helpful. Make your worship appropriate, meaningful and helpful by following the advice contained within its pages. (A5 booklet 28pp)
Worship in residential care (e)
£1.30Digital copy