An outline of possibilities for the work of an Ageing Issues Study Network, Cherished or forgotten, formed the basis of a number of applications to grant-making bodies following its circulation to interested people in 2015. It has been a matter of deep disappointment that we have not been able to secure funding for the development of the Network.
We have not lost sight of the main purposes of the proposal: the identification of areas of concern in the spiritual and pastoral care of older people that need further study; the exchanging of information and the highlighting of results and experiences as a resource for all those engaged in ministry to older people.
We still hope that we can build this Network as a vehicle for the exchange of ideas, information and examples of good practice to stimulate debate and action in local churches, wider church councils and training initiatives.
If you have an interest in this area of our work, please complete your details on the Join or Renew Membership page and we will be in touch.
There is no fee for membership of the Network.