Our Dementia Network brings together a wide range of those who support people with dementia or who are professionally involved in treatments or research. It has, under different titles, been an important part of Christians on Ageing work for over twenty-five years. Our twice-yearly Dementia Newsletter has been published continuously since 1992. The newsletter, which is available free by email attachment to anyone interested, seeks to do the following:
- Keep readers up-to-date on media coverage of dementia and research advances.
- Review the most significant books in an expanding publications field.
- Encourage attendance at relevant conferences and seminars such as the 5th International Conference on Spirituality and Ageing held in Edinburgh in July 2013 in which Christians on Ageing was involved.
- Facilitate connections amongst readers, recent examples being the use of ‘Godly play’ with people with dementia and the fostering of dementia-friendly churches which is leading to a growing number of conferences and seminars around the country.
Read the most recent here
The Network has built significant working links with other organisations majoring on dementia such as Methodist Homes (MHA), Faith in Older People (Edinburgh) and Faith in Elderly People (Leeds).
The Secretary is Barbara Stephens who can be contacted by phone 0777 493 5905 or by e-mail secretary@christiansonageing.org.uk
Want to receive Dementia News?
You need to join the Network, which is free. Please complete your details on the Join or Renew Membership page, or write to Christians on Ageing, The Depozitory, 23 Nelson St, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 2EZ
Our Dementia Network began life as the Dementia Working Group, set up to administer a special project based in Newcastle with a paid worker from which publications flowed, a national conference was held, and an award-winning video/DVD (Is Anyone There?) produced.
When this project ended the working group transformed into the ‘Dementia Group’, holding twice yearly meetings in York which enabled professionals in the field, members of faith groups and others to confer together. On behalf of Christians on Ageing the Group made strong representations in regard both to the government’s proposed Dementia Strategy for England and The Nuffield Council on Bio-ethics’ enquiry into the ethical, legal and social issues surrounding dementia.
The decision to cease to hold regular meetings and become a more widely available ‘Network’ was made in 2012.