People who are involved in ministry of any kind in the Churches need training. This applies to lay people as well as to those who are formally ordained or commissioned. Training demands being open to ideas and it means having enough ideas to generate enthusiasm and commitment. It also needs time, and often it can seem there is no time for everything so some things get left behind. The place of older people in the life of the Churches and the ways in which ministry can focus on older people’s contribution, as well as their needs, does not seem to take up much time in many training establishments. At least, that is what Christians on Ageing has come to understand, and our understanding could be wrong.
There is only one way to find out: ask the trainers. Christians on Ageing is building a comprehensive directory of information about training for ministry in all the Churches. We intend asking what the various training establishments and courses offer to help prepare for that part of ministry involving older people – how much time is allocated in courses? What topics are covered? What expert help is sought?
It is a major project and we would welcome input from those engaged in training, especially from those being trained.
Send us your contact details – ask any question – give us any information you think might be helpful.
You will find e-mail contact details on many pages of this website. Use any of them to get in touch.
In the meantime, you might like to read this article.
Ageing & Spiritual Growth is a paper by the Reverend Rob Merchant, a member of Christians on Ageing who is involved in the training of candidates for ministry in the Church of England, considering the need for a theology of ageing.