Put the date in your diary today!
Christians on Ageing
invites you to its Conference
Older people need the best:
supporting faith and care
Expert speakers on:
- Training for our ministry and work
- Later life spiritual learning
- Being a blessing to residents in care homes
- Rights and quality of life in care homes
The Conference will include presentations by well-known practitioners including: Tina English (Director of the charity Embracing Age, and author of A Great Place to Grow Old: Reimagining Ministry Among Older People); Marion Shoard (author of How to Handle Later life); Dr Joanna Walker (Educational Gerontologist and co-author Spiritual Dimensions of Ageing).
The Conference will be held at Central URC in the middle of Sheffield with a welcome at 10 am and conclusion at 4 pm
The Conference fee will be £30 (£25 for members) which will include preparatory papers and the conference report plus refreshments and a sandwich lunch.
More information and booking arrangements will be circulated in July. You can register your interest: