Harvest field – A celebration of the contribution of older people to our faith communities
Christians on Ageing – Church of Scotland Guild – Faith in Older People Joint Conference
Harvest field – A celebration of the contribution of older people to our faith communities
Wednesday 17th November 2021
The aim of the conference was to highlight different aspects of the contribution made by older people and the importance of embracing new possibilities with and by older people noticing how we change and develop as we age and how we express our needs. We will share examples of service and ideas.
This conference continued to build on the collaboration between Faith in Older People and the Church of Scotland Guild which have convened an ecumenical group over the past few years. We are delighted to be working collaboratively with Christians on Ageing,
The excellent contributions from our speakers are below:
The Harvest Field influenced by the “silver economy” – a PowerPoint presentation given by Helen McCormack, Thirsk & Northallerton Methodist Circuit & Zion, United Reformed Church, Northallerton
Helen McCormack The importance of ministry to and with older people
Pioneering for all ages – a PowerPoint presentation and talk given by the Rev Norman Smith, Granton Parish Church Edinburgh
Rev Norman Smith Anyone can pioneer
Rev Norman Smith Pioneering Talk (text)
The Accompaniment of care: the potential of chaplaincy in social care services – a PowerPoint presentation given by Dr Donald Macaskill, CEO, Scottish Care
Dr Donald Macaskill The accompaniment of care
Dr D Macaskill The accompaniment of care copy (text)
Changing spiritual needs as we age – a talk given by Dr Graham Hawley, Christians on Ageing
Dr Graham Hawley Changing spiritual needs as we age (text)