Christians on Ageing relies on its members’ subscriptions, sales of its publications and the generosity of donors.
If you would like to support our work by making a donation, once or from to time, please send a cheque (payable to Christian Council on Ageing) to the address below. If you are a UK tax-payer you might consider making your donation worth even more by agreeing to Gift Aid *.
If you are interested in making a longer-term donation by means of a legacy, please contact the Honorary Secretary who will be pleased to advise on what you need to do. You will also need to consult your own legal advisor. Leaving an amount you can afford in your will is a great way to perpetuate your own commitment to the work of the charity and will have lasting benefit over many years.
Contact details
Email or write to The Honorary Secretary, Christians on Ageing, The Depozitory, 23 Nelson Street, Ryde PO33 2EZ
* Gift Aid is a way of increasing the value of your donation. If you are a UK tax-payer Christians on Ageing can claim back tax on your subscriptions and donations provided that your current annual tax bill is more than the tax reclaimed. The amount of tax reclaimed can vary but for many people will give an extra 25% to the charity. You will be invited to consider Gift Aid when completing a subscription form or making a payment.