Christians on Ageing is a registered charity and membership association. Details about what we do and how the organisation is run can be found on the page About Us and in our Governing Document.
The aim of the organisation is to provide a resource to the Churches in aspects of age and ageing. It does this through providing information, especially through this website; through publications; through establishing networks; and through talks, conferences and engagement with others. It is an ecumenical body with links to all the main Christian Churches.
Christians on Ageing relies on the income from the subscriptions of its members, sales of publications and donations. If you wish to support our work please consider becoming a member. It only costs £18 per year. The membership subscription is the same whether you are joining as an individual or on behalf of an organisation.
Become a member
In addition to helping Christians on Ageing achieve its aims and attend activities such as conferences, Conference Calls and Culture Club, as a member you will…
- Receive plus, an interesting and informative magazine, four times each year free of charge. You can choose to receive plus by post or via email as a pdf. If you choose to receive plus via email it means that we don’t have to print and post the magazine and so your membership fee can be invested in other areas of our work.
- Be offered 10% discount on all Christians on Ageing publications.
- Be entitled to contribute to and receive contributions of Meet The Members and The Older Person Who Has Inspired Me
- Be entitled to a discount on any conferences and events.
- Have the opportunity to join special interest groups.
- Be offered a link to a local group wherever possible.
- Be able to discover the wealth of excellent writers and speakers among our members.
- Be able to contribute your own insight and experience if you wish.
- Be entitled to attend the AGM and vote.
- Be entitled to stand for election, after nomination, to the Executive Committee.
To become a member please go to Join or Renew Membership
Renew your membership
It is more convenient for you and for Christians on Ageing if you renew your membership on line. You will be notified by post when your subscription is due. If you wish to renew online please go to Join or Renew Membership. However, if you do not wish to use the internet for payment or would like to pay by standing order then please download this form and return it to The Honorary Secretary at: Christians on Ageing, 23 Nelson Street, Ryde PO33 2EZ