What the papers said in the week ending 20 February 2021
It is 50 years since we joined the decimal world: ‘D Day’: UK marks 50 years since decimalisation | Money | The Guardian
Donald Trump was not impeached but few will believe him not guilty Trump’s acquittal marks a dark day for US democracy | Donald Trump | The Guardian
Triple crisis
The United Nations has warned that a triple crisis threatens the future of humanity: Climate Crisis, Devastation of wildlife and nature, and pollution are the problems – all traceable to human behaviour. The number of human beings on the planet has doubled since1970 – currently 1.3 Billion live in poverty.
- We are asked to revise the way we live Human destruction of nature is ‘senseless and suicidal’, warns UN chief | Climate change | The Guardian
- MPN.pdf (unep.org)
- A minor response to all this comes from a strategy to soak up some roadside pollutants by informed planting – Experts identify ‘super-plant’ that absorbs roadside air pollution | Plants | The Guardian
Corona cases, hospitalisations and deaths in the UK are all falling in response to lockdown measures and progress with vaccination of the most vulnerable groups Covid: UK Coronavirus cases, deaths and vaccinations today | World news | The Guardian
- Some places, notably London, are slower than others. London has vaccinated less than 70% of 70 year olds so far, compared with over 90% nationally London lags behind in race to vaccinate over-70s against Covid, data shows | Society | The Guardian
- Though age is the most powerful predictor of vulnerability to the virus, ethnicity, deprivation and obesity are understood to add to risk. This is to be recognised in a new formula which will add two million to the register of people who will be advised to shield and should get the vaccine early Ethnicity and poverty are Covid risk factors, new Oxford modelling tool shows | World news | The Guardian
- It will soon become a requirement of law that families can visit loved ones in residential homes despite the threat of covid Care homes in England: what’s going to change from 8 March? | Older people | The Guardian This is the welcome outcome of sustained campaigning by people pointing out the harm being done by separation
- We now find there is no evidence to support extreme restriction of outdoor gatherings: ‘beaches were never an infection risk’ How the beach ‘super-spreader’ myth may have hampered UK Covid reaction | World news | The Guardian
- The concern is that undue restrictions have themselves done harm and have so frustrated people that they have been more likely to behave hazardously by gathering recklessly indoors. We wait to see if this evidence leads to a change in advice from government
Inspiring stories of the dedication being shown during the pandemic are thought to have inspired greater interest in choosing a career in nursing Demand for UK nursing degrees rises by a third in pandemic | Nursing | The Guardian
- But high profile charities which have become essential components of the care and research economy have found funds hard to come by: UK charities urgently call on PM to set up emergency fund | Charities | The Guardian
People are searching for ways to stave off loneliness, depression and boredom during the lockdown. Our local park is thronged with people of all ages, many of them accompanied by new dogs. Industry is busy producing mechanised equivalents Mindfulness, laughter and robot dogs may relieve lockdown loneliness – study | Health & wellbeing | The Guardian
We have previously noted the increase in people who are using their time to search for treasure. Female detectorists in the Isle of Man have found Viking Gold Viking age artefacts discovered on Isle of Man declared treasure | Heritage | The Guardian
A very serious finding by the courts puts the Minister of Health outside the law in his eagerness to secure contracts for PPE Matt Hancock acted unlawfully by failing to publish Covid contracts | Matt Hancock | The Guardian
Other matters
Zara Mohammed, newly elected first female leader of the Muslim Council of Britain was interviewed with something other than kid gloves on Woman’s Hour by Emma Barnett BBC under fire over ‘strikingly hostile’ interview of Muslim Council of Britain head | BBC | The Guardian
Alarm and opposition to the proposed changes to the NHS continues: Matt Hancock’s NHS plan must be opposed | NHS | The Guardian
A man of 70 has been jailed for only five years after murdering his wife Man who killed wife ‘in act of great violence’ jailed for five years | Wales | The Guardian
Prince Philip has spent time in hospital: Prince Philip admitted to hospital as precautionary measure | Prince Philip | The Guardian
Peace and inspiration in the world of nature
You do not need to go far: Go down to the woods. Top. Listen. ‘A world of sound opens up’: how 10 minutes in nature reaps rewards | Wildlife | The Guardian
David Jolley