What the papers said in the week ending 16 September 2023
Environmental disasters continue: A visual guide to the Moroccan earthquake | Morocco | The Guardian
Man-made horrors escalate: Kim Jong-un offers Putin ‘full support’ in Russia’s ‘sacred fight’ with west | Russia | The Guardian
Our perverse behaviour adds to the problems:
We could be reducing the burden of illness: The Guardian view on preventable cancers: we need to avoid illness as well as cure it | Editorial | The Guardian
We can make for better mental health: Suicide prevention drive launched in England amid concern for young people | Suicide rates | The Guardian
We could look after our local roads: Pothole repairs on local roads in England sink to lowest level in five years | England | The Guardian
We should be respecting privacy: ‘Our health data is about to flow more freely, like it or not’: big tech’s plans for the NHS | NHS | The Guardian
We should make it easy for people to access support when they are in need: Carers and patients are being failed by funding rules | Social care | The Guardian
Ill-health is a monitor of our need to do better:
Covid: As a new variant emerges, is Covid coming back to the UK? | Coronavirus | The Guardian
Use of natural cures: Turmeric could be as effective as medicine for indigestion, says study | Health | The Guardian
Loss of life at birth: Stillbirths in UK rose in 2021 for first time in seven years | Pregnancy | The Guardian
Wilko is lost: All 400 Wilko shops to close with loss of more than 12,000 jobs | Wilko | The Guardian
The Triple Lock is threatened: Treasury officials mull one-off break from pensions triple lock | Pensions | The Guardian
But there is Good News:
More butterflies: UK butterfly numbers bounce back after last year’s all-time low | Butterflies | The Guardian
More natural meadows: ‘Joyous’: Cornish seed-scattering event marks fightback against habitat loss | Cornwall | The Guardian
Dangerous dogs are to be banned: American XL bully dog will be banned, says Rishi Sunak | Animals | The Guardian
Dangerous driving is to be contained: Wales is bringing in a 20mph speed limit. Why – and what will happen? | Transport policy | The Guardian
Other observations:
Dementia is ever with us and we learn from each other: Alastair Stewart reveals he has been diagnosed with dementia | Dementia | The Guardian
We remember those who have helped us smile: Mike Yarwood obituary | Comedy | The Guardian
We acknowledge the work and words of the builders: The Guardian view on the hidden carvings of Salisbury Cathedral: messages to the future | Editorial | The Guardian
In our youth, we feel a need to seek new challenges: Young people in England feel they must move for better opportunities | Inequality | The Guardian
Ancient games attract new followings: Cup final marks breakthrough year for women’s shinty | Scotland | The Guardian
And we old people can still make our points: ‘I may be 102, but I want to do my bit’: ex-RAF pilot to abseil down hospital for charity | Charities | The Guardian
David Jolley. Chair of Christians on Ageing in a personal capacity. September 2023