What the papers said in the week ending June 11th
The Queen in her nineties remains active and devoted to serving others, and we have been pleased to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee ‘Humbled and deeply touched’: Queen thanks nation as four-day jubilee ends | Queen’s platinum jubilee | The Guardian
Other older people have also found favour:
Sir David Attenborough doubly knighted now: Sir David Attenborough beams as he collects high honour from Prince of Wales | East London and West Essex Guardian Series (guardian-series.co.uk)
Candida Uderzo can drive on beyond 100: 100-year-old Italian woman has driving licence renewed | Italy | The Guardian
Sue Barker is modifying her priorities: Sue Barker announces that this year’s Wimbledon will be her last as presenter | Wimbledon | The Guardian
There are pointers to improve health and longevity: Beetroot juice may aid people with coronary heart disease – study | Heart disease | The Guardian
Gel that repairs heart attack damage could improve health of millions | Heart attack | The Guardian
But the state of the world and our country speaks chagrin:
The war in Ukraine grinds on with expense to life and all else: UK officials condemn Russian ‘show trial’ that sentenced two Britons to death – video | World news | The Guardian
The previous President of the United States of America is accused of leading an attempt to overthrow the rule of law: January 6 hearing: Trump was at heart of plot that led to ‘attempted coup’ | US news | The Guardian
Violence and murder against people of different views and belief are frightening and unjustified: Nigeria: gunmen kill dozens in ‘satanic’ attack on Catholic church | Nigeria | The Guardian
In the UK: increased fuel costs threaten a wide range of essential activities and livelihoods: UK healthcare staff call in sick to avoid using car as cost of fuel soars, union says | Cost of living crisis | The Guardian
Strikes are happening and more are promised: Rail strikes: when are they and how bad will the disruption be? | Rail industry | The Guardian
Our healthcare system no longer feels to be safe – and reports of wasteful use of resources makes for more desperation: Why is it so hard to contact GP surgeries? | Letters | The Guardian
NHS A&E nurse filmed warning patients of 13-hour wait to see medic | NHS | The Guardian
NHS bosses fear DHSC will use bullying report to blame leadership | NHS | The Guardian
£4bn of NHS Covid PPE to be burned as it is unusable, says committee report | NHS | The Guardian
There are suspicions of waste in other areas of service: £98m wasted on failed upgrade of offender tagging system, say auditors | Prisons and probation | The Guardian
Many are at odds with the ethics of government: The Guardian view on deportations to Rwanda: cut out the stunts | Editorial | The Guardian
The leadership is under intense scrutiny: Boris Johnson survived the no-confidence vote. Can he cling on to power? Our panel’s verdict | Polly Toynbee, Bob Neill, David Lammy, Devi Sridhar, Ed Davey, Dawn Butler and Zubaida Haque | The Guardian
There is good news from discoveries about the past:
A wreck off the Norfolk coast: Wreck of Royal Navy warship sunk in 1682 identified off Norfolk coast | Archaeology | The Guardian
Bones of a dinosaur on the Isle of Wight: Bones found on Isle of Wight may be from Europe’s biggest predator dinosaur | Dinosaurs | The Guardian
Good news too on other matters:
New ways of working will give more flexible life opportunities: Four-day week could be within reach for British workers | Work-life balance | The Guardian
Holidays nearer home are being encouraged: The Wight way to have a great British holiday after giving up flying | Travel | The Guardian
The Roman Catholic Church may make a saint of a hero of a London atrocity: Skateboard hero of 2017 London Bridge attack proposed for sainthood | London Bridge attack 2017 | The Guardian
New riches are found under ice: ‘Hidden world’ of marine life discovered in Antarctic ‘river’ under ice | Antarctica | The Guardian
New species are beginning to thrive in this country: ‘The next parakeet’: Britain’s dawn chorus at risk from Asian songbird | Birds | The Guardian
There is serious discussion of matters of belief:
Some rather strange: Irish exorcist calls for extra help for people oppressed by evil spirits | Ireland | The Guardian
Others are welcome in their thoughtfulness: In Christian theology, forgiveness comes before confession | Letters | The Guardian
A textbook definition of forgiveness – and why confession comes first | Letters | The Guardian
People who are old and people who need care are not ignored
The need of older people for social contact and help with achieving it is recognised: Out of isolation: UK charities reconnect older LGBTQ+ people | Mental health | The Guardian
Re-engage: Charity Supporting Older People Through Volunteering (reengage.org.uk)
Receiving care is a source of grace: Some people think they would rather die than have help brushing their teeth – but care is not tragic | Lucy Webster | The Guardian
The stark choice between a life with care or no life at all | Letters | The Guardian
We have lost Bruce Kent: Bruce Kent: tributes paid as peace campaigner dies aged 92 | Nuclear weapons | The Guardian
David Jolley Chair of Christians on Ageing, in a personal capacity