What the papers said in the week ending April 15th 2023
Age and faith:
An action of the 87 year old Dalai Lama has caused a stir: Dalai Lama apologises after kissing boy and asking him to ‘suck my tongue’ | Dalai Lama | The Guardian
But an ageist commentary which followed received a rapid and appropriate rebuke: Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, the Dalai Lama: living proof that no one is too big for retirement | Marina Hyde | The Guardian
The Church’s attitudes to sexuality are again subject of headlines: Anglican groups revolt against same-sex blessing plan | Anglicanism | The Guardian
And past acceptance of slavery leave us feeling shame: Justin Welby defends £100m fund to address C of E’s past links to slavery | Anglicanism | The Guardian
- Our country’s current ranking on race equality is a further cause for concern and reason for change: Britain ‘not close to being a racially just society’, finds two-year research project | Race | The Guardian
Exploration of what to do about or with our splendid church buildings seem to conclude that the cupboard is bare: Saving churches from decay should be a national responsibility | Anglicanism | The Guardian
Hope for the spiritual life of Christianity is inspired by Black Churches: The Guardian view on black British Christians: keeping the faith | Editorial | The Guardian
The social and moral profile of the UK does not make comfortable reading:
Some people are poor, and matters get worse when the temptations of gambling drive deeper into debt: UK cost of living crisis leading people to gambling, says charity | Gambling | The Guardian
- Some poor people are trapped without a place to call home: Number of homeless families in hotels longer than legal limit doubles in a year in England | Homelessness | The Guardian
- Evenings out have become an unaffordable luxury for many: UK households turn to TV subscriptions as they cut back on nights out | UK cost of living crisis | The Guardian
- ‘We can’t carry on’: over 150 pubs have shut this year as energy bills soar | Food & drink industry | The Guardian
Change in the population and economics of London is leading to loss of infrastructure for support of families: Disappearing schools, families forced out – and we call this progress | Aditya Chakrabortty | The Guardian
When people turn to the NHS for help it may not be forthcoming: Tory ‘neglect’ blamed for 3.6m abandoned calls to NHS 111 in England | NHS | The Guardian
The government seems to be intent on a battle with healthcare workers, rather than attending to the deficits which are so painfully evident: The junior doctors’ strike is not just about pay – this is a generation that feels betrayed | Gaby Hinsliff | The Guardian
A twelve year old boy is accused of killing a 60 year old care worker Killed Sheffield foster carer Marcia Grant gave ‘endless love’ to children | UK news | The Guardian
We have pride in aspects of heritage:
York and Shetland sites join UK bids for Unesco world heritage status | Heritage | The Guardian
Links with horrors of the past are fading: Ben Ferencz: last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor dies aged 103 | Europe | The Guardian
Tupperware parties may never happen again: If the lid snaps shut on Tupperware, we’ll all be sorry | Zoe Williams | The Guardian
Mary Quant has died: Dame Mary Quant obituary | Mary Quant | The Guardian
It is possible that using a hearing aid will reduce the risk of dementia for people who are hard of hearing: Hearing aids could help cut the risk of dementia, study finds | Dementia | The Guardian
Your skin can be helped to look and feel like the skin of a younger person: Boots No7 launches ‘breakthrough’ in skincare – but does science stack up? | Skincare | The Guardian
Other matters:
The fighting between Russia and The Ukraine damages places and people: ‘Savages’: Ukrainian resort town resisting Russian attempts to repeat past glories | Ukraine | The Guardian
Wealth misdirected can lead to pathology: UK in ‘rapidly escalating’ diabetes crisis as cases top 5m, report says | Diabetes | The Guardian
Electronic money threatens to sweep the board: Demand for banknotes at lowest level in 20 years, says De La Rue | De La Rue | The Guardian
And we have first sight of sketches for The King’s New Clothes: Pageantry and pants: artists imagine king’s coronation undies | King Charles III | The Guardian
David Jolley. Chair of Christians on Ageing, in a personal capacity.