Christians on Ageing identifies issues of current concern to older people and seeks to provide a Christian perspective in providing responses to need through the resources, which include:
Christians on Ageing magazine: plus
- a quarterly magazine for members. Non-members can request a sample copy by writing to the Publications Officer, CCOA, ‘The Depozitory, 23 Nelson Street, Ryde. PO33 2EZ, providing a stamped addressed C5 envelope (letter rate).
- plus has news for members, articles about current issues affecting the lives of older people, reviews and commentaries, aids to prayer and reflection and more.
You can view sample articles of plus here:
Sample article from plus about funeral ministry
Sample article from plus on dementia friendly church
Christians on Ageing Publications
Our publications deal with issues affecting older people, including
- Dementia Offering support for individuals and carers
- Dying and death Debating attitudes towards end of life issues
- Spirituality Exploring ways of living Christian faith in later life
- Retirement Looking at life from a new perspective
- Residential Care Bringing a Christian approach to good practice
- Worship Providing new resources for special occasions
Go to to see the full list of publications currently available, which can all be ordered online.
Christians on Ageing Dementia Network
Over the years we have developed a particular concern for the pastoral and spiritual care of persons with dementia. We have a Dementia Network of over 300 members. The Dementia Network has built significant working links with other organisations majoring on dementia such as Methodist Homes (MHA), Faith in Older People (Edinburgh) and Faith in Elderly People (Leeds). The Secretary is Rev. Dr Albert Jewell ( Membership is free and members receive a twice-yearly Dementia e-Newsletter.
Click here to read about our Dementia Network and view a sample copy of the newsletter and for more information.
Christians on Ageing Prayers and Reflections
As well as offering a number of booklets which deal with aspects of spirituality, we have also gathered a selection of reflections and prayers from a variety of sources which members of Christians on Ageing have found helpful.